Welcome to our collection of inspirational garage gym photos that capture some of the most envious garage gym ideas our fitness peeps came up with!
Honestly, when looking through some of these, our team could not help but be a little jealous of the awesomeness.
Garage Gym Ideas to Help You Build an Awesome Home Gym
If you’ve watched the video above you’re no doubt inspired to park on the street and turn your garage into a gym; but not just any gym, a personal workout emporium!
Related: Gym Equipment Names and Pictures
We hope the awesome video by Rogue Fitness and our little collection of these cool garage gym pictures will give you an idea of what other people have put together.

Thanks to these photos, no longer do you have to procrastinate to come up with some awesome looking garage gym ideas. You can tell your significant other that the time has finally come to put together that garage gym masterpiece you’ve been discussing for the past 2 years!

Normally we don’t think of hanging ropes from the ceilings, but as these garage gym ideas show, not only are ringed ropes being hung, but punching bags and even pull up bars.

You’ll notice that a weight bench and a squat rack are pretty commonplace in each garage gym; they’re both powerful strength training tools! Let’s see what else is in store, head to the next page.
One thing that surprises us the most is that many people utilize their garage simply for car parking purposes; leaving out so many other awesome ways of using all that valuable real estate, such as converting it to a gym.
Remember to protect your garage floor when putting together a home gym in the garage. No doubt you’ve noticed that many of these photos we’ve collected have some thick garage gym flooring that the power racks, weight benches, barbells, and other gym equipment all sit on.
Inspired to build a monster garage gym yet? With some bumper plates, a power rack, bench press, a few other gym equipment essentials, and one of these garage gym blueprints in your tool box, you’ll be on your way to shaping up your garage and turning it into a personal wellness center.
We don’t know about you, but a gym membership can get pretty expensive real quick, and let’s not even mention Crossfit costs! You may counter that argument with something like, “yeah, but it costs a lot more to buy your own home gym equipment.” It only seems that way on the surface.
Buying your own garage gym equipment and putting together a home gym in the garage is more of an investment. When you sign up for a gym membership, you’re looking at roughly $20-30 bucks a month, but for about 26 months on average. Which means up to $780, and that’s being somewhat conservative.
With $780 you can do more than just build a Crossfit garage gym, you can lay the foundation for a strength training workout area in the house. Think about the additional costs you would incur: gas costs, extra gear to look good, miscellaneous additions on top of regular membership.
This wood cabin looking design above is one of our favorites, though it’s technically not a garage gym, it’s something to think about if you’re thinking of placing the machines inside the living quarters instead.
Hopefully this gallery packed with some pretty neat home gym ideas out there will spark your creative interest and motivate you to roll up the sleeves and get to cleaning the garage, prepping it for weight machines and other best home gym equipment items.
Some of these garage gym photos include an all in one home gym design ideas, which are pretty awesome and save a ton of space in the grand scheme of things. They can even result in a cheap home gym honestly, if you think about purchasing all the other exercise equipment individually.
Use These Garage Gym Ideas to Build Your Home Gym
We sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed viewing these home gym photos as much as we enjoyed putting them all together! More so, we hope that you were able to get inspired to build your own garage gym by some of the ones you encountered along the way.
Before you head on over to our Gym Equipment Names and Pictures Directory and learn more about the various exercise machines out there; we know how eager you are to get started, but why don’t we first address some of the benefits of building a home gym in the garage?
The Benefits of Building a Garage Gym
Here are some of the perks we leave you with to consider when deciding on whether you should put some exercise machines and other workout equipment in your garage, aside from just parking your car.
You Save Time
According to almost every survey known to man on “ reasons preventing you from exercising, ” not enough time was the overwhelming answer. Having a garage gym eliminates the travel time to and from the gym, which can easily save you an hour or more a day; not to even mention those traffic days!
You Save Money
Directly correlated to the time saving aspect of investing in a home gym, the less you drive the less money you spend on gas. More importantly, the initial upfront investment for a home gym more than pays itself off in the long run, when compared to a gym membership. Membership money you will never get back, but once you buy the machines, they’re yours to own!
You Become More Efficient
No waiting for equipment, no chit-chat with sometimes pointless and direction-less topics. No planning around busy gym times and/or gym classes. You’re on your own schedule, which means you’ll essentially get more done in a shorter period of time. Before long you’ll ask yourself why people go to those public gyms anyway, when building a garage gym is clearly offering so many benefits.
You Increase Your Success Rate
Because working out will feel less like a chore, and more like a natural thing to do at home, you success rate will be on the up. You’ll do things in the comfort of your own home that you wouldn’t normally do at the gym (i.e. grunting, yoga, cardio, etc.). These are all critical components to a proper strength training exercise regiment as well as an overall healthy lifestyle.
You’re Around Your Family More
There is nothing more important than spending the short time we have on this planet with our loved ones.Whether it’s your husband/wife, kids, or parents. By owning a home gym in the garage you’ll not only see each other more, but you have the opportunity to workout together and motivate each other along the way!
Think of the fun that comes along with pushing each other to the next level of fitness.
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About Team GV
The Gymventures team has decades of experience between them, ranging across many fields. Some of these include fitness, mixed martial arts, nutrition, building home gyms, gym equipment, and more.